Monday 15 August 2016

Morning Prayers


When the gold morning comes,
The giant disc rising above the horizon
After your all night vigil
That has kept the lights on,
The incubator going,
The streets safe:
Vital vigil, significant service.
Then you will know
What it is to be in the team
Bringing home the gold.

Mother of the world

I read a prayer written by a Muslim woman that mentioned Mary and Jesus. In the prayer she used the title Mother of the World for Mary. Some commentators said 'Is this Muslim?' and some said 'Can Mary be Mother of the World? I thought - why this nit picking?
I am a Reformed women. I pray as the Spirit inspires me through the scriptures as I remember them. I remember Mary as a woman, as a mother, as one who prayed in joy and in sorrow and I do so too. I do not pray to Mary but I pray with her.

Mother of the World,
How long is your labour?
As we pray together
Through ageless ideas and images
May we be inspired today
To build up, not cast down
Those who pray alongside us,
To encourage each murmur,
Endorse each silence,
The the world may sigh or sing
In such harmony
That your way of peace
Is commonly celebrated
In every place and by every creature.

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