Wednesday 10 August 2016

Way of the cross on the path to the shrine of Our Lady of Mount Grace

Along this path are simple wooden crosses each one accompanied by a simple sign marking the stations of the cross. Here's a bit of creative RB I wrote there.

Through the wood we see you,
Man of wood,
Tree-lined one,
Arms out like branches,
Head crowned and bowed down:
Through the wood we see you.

Jesus receives his cross.
Does a scene from The Life of Brian come to mind?
'Only joking, I'm for crucifixion'.
Or do you see whole piles of them
Heaped up beside any road.
Battered and used take any one of them,
Yours for as long as...
Jesus of the cross,
Our truest memory of you,
Abandoned and reviled
As we walk the away
Remind us again of the cross places of our world
Where you keep vigil still
That people may hang on

Jesus meets his mother:
And here the holly tree
That bears the berry
And the thorn.
Scarred and scared,
The thorn will pierce you too.

Simon helps Jesus carry his cross
What did you do in town today dear?
Oh I helped a guy carry his cross.
That was kind of you love.
Was the least I could do:
Veronica here lent him her hanky.

In the green
The story rolls on, with honour or disdain:
Falling, stripping, nailing, dying, burying.
And then the green space
Opens out ahead of you
As you emerge from the tunnel into the light.
Now the sun shines and warmth comes back.
A few steps separate the two states here,
But elsewhere it's another story.

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